Государственная Публичная Историческая Библиотека России



Условные обозначения:

                                                                                 ЗВ -    Зал всеобщей истории

                                                                                 КВ -    Зал по истории стран Азии и Африки

                                                                                  П -      Зал периодики

                                                                                 ЭР -    Отдел русского зарубежья



      П  American antiquity                                                          Washington

     ЗВ  American historical review                                             Washington

     ЗВ  The Americas                                                                Washington

      П  Aztlan                                                                            Los Angeles

     ЗВ  Berkeley journal of sociology                                         Berkeley

     КВ  Buddhist-christian studies                                              Honolulu

     ЗВ  Church history                                                             Chicago

     ЗВ  Civil war history                                                            Kent

     ЗВ  Comparative studies in society and history                     Cambridge

     ЗВ  Diplomatic history                                                         Boston

     ЗВ  Ethnohistory                                                                  Durham

     ЗВ  Foreign affairs                                                                New York

     ЗВ  French historical studies                                                 Durham 

      П   Greek, Roman and Byzantine studies                             Durham

     ЗВ  Hispanic American historical review (HAHR)                 Durham

      П   Historical archaeology                                                   Ann Arbor

     ЗВ  Historical methods                                                         Chicago

     ЗВ  History and theory                                                         Middletown

     ЗВ  Journal of modern history                                               Chicago

     КВ Journal of near Eastern studies                                       Chicago

     ЗВ  History of political economy                                           Durham

     КВ History of religions                                                        Chicago

     ЗВ  Journal of American history                                             Bloomington

     ЗВ  Journal of economic history                                             New York

     ЗВ  Journal of Latin American studies                                    Cambridge

     КВ Journal of the American Oriental society                          New Haven

     ЗВ  Journal of the Early Republic                                          West Lafayette

     ЗВ  Journal of the history of ideas                                         Philadelphia

     ЗВ  Journal of the history of philosophy                                 Baltimore

     ЗВ  Labor history                                                                 Washington

     ЗВ  Latin American politics and society                                 Coral Cables

     ЗВ  Latin American research review                                      Albuquerque

      П   Mexican studies                                                              Irvine

     КВ  Middle East journal                                                        Washington

      П   Nationalities papers                                                        New York

     ЗВ  Oral History review                                                         Berkeley

     ЭР Orthodox life                                                                   Jordanville

      П  Pacific historical review                                                    Berkeley

     ЗВ  Radical history review                                                     Durham

     ЗВ  Reviews in American history                                           Baltimore

     ЗВ  Slavic review                                                                   Urbana

     ЗВ  Speculum. A journal of medieval studies                         Cambridge

      П  Victorian studies                                                             Bloomington



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