Государственная Публичная Историческая Библиотека России


Past and Present: A journal of historical studies (cодержание)


N 199 MAY 2008

1. Dossey L. Wife Beating and Manliness in Late Antiquty - p. 3

2. Heal F. Food gifts, the housenold and the politics of exchange in early modern England - p.41

3. Welch E. Lotteries in early modern italy - p.71

4. Roche D. Equestrian culture in France from the sixteentn to the nineteentn century - p.113

5. Vickery A. An englishman' home is his castle? Thresholds, boundaries and privacies in the eighteenth century London House - p.147

6. Green A. The British Empire and the jews: an imperialism of human rights - p.175

7. Hinton J. The "class" complex': mass-observation and cultural. Distinction in Pre-War Britain - p.207


N 200 August 2008

1. Siebenhuner K. Conversion, mobility and the roman inquisition in Italy around 1600 - p.5

2. Bellany A. The Murder of Ionhn Lambe - p. 37

3. Van Kley D.K. Civic Humanism in Clerical Garb - p.77

4. Williamson Ph. State Prayers, Fasts and Thanksgivings - p.121

5. Gerwarth R. The Central European Conter-Revolution - 175


N 201 November 2008

1. Forsdyre S. Street Theatre and Popular Justise in Anciet Greece: Shaming, Stoning and Starving Offender inside and outside the Courts - p. 3

2. Shepard A. Poverty, Labour and the Language of Social Description in Early Modern England. - p. 51

3. Melton J. Van H. From Alpine Miner to Low-Countru Yeoman: The Transatlantic World of a Gejrgia Salzburger 1693 - 1761 - p. 97

4. Pentland G. `Betrayed by Infamous Spies`? The Commemoration jf Scotland`s `Radical War` of 1820. - p. 141

5. Pomfret D.M. `Child Slavery` in British and French Far-Eastern Colonies 1880 - 1945. - p. 175

6. Betts P. Property, Peace and Honour: Neighbourhood Justice in Communist Berlin. - p. 215


N 202 February 2008

1.Cambers A. Demonic Possession, Literacy and `Superstition` in Early Modern England. - p.3

2. Wein M.J. `Chosen Peoples, Holy Tongues`: Religion, Language, Nationalism fnd Politics in Bohemia and Moravia in the Seventeenth to Twentieth Centuries. - p. 37

 3. Morieux R. Diplomacy from Below and Belonging: Fishermen and Cross-Channel Relations in the Eighteenth Century. - p. 83

4. Devereaux S. Recasting the Theatre of Execution: The Abolition of the Tyburn Ritual.  - p. 127

5. Sternhell Y.A. Communicating War: The Culture of Information in Richmond during the American Civil War.  - p.175

6. Morgan K. Militarism and Anti-Militarism: Socialists, Communists and Conscription in France and Britain 1900 - 1940 - p. 207 


N 204 August 2009

1. Peterson J. L. Holy Heretics in Later Medieval Italy - p. 3

2. Sternberg G. Epistolary Ceremonial: Corresponding Status at the Time of Lous XIV - p. 33

3. Kelly M. Irish Nationalist Opinion and the British  Empire in the 1850s and 1860s - p.127

4. Mandler  P. Margaret Mead amongst the Natives of Great Britain - p. 195

5. Jones C. Review Article: A Hexagonal History of the Body - p. 235


N 205 November 2009

1. Fynn-Paul J. Empire, Monotheism and Slavery in the Greater Mediterranean Region from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era - p. 3

2. Bavel van B. and Gelderblom O.  The Economic Origins of Cleanliness in the Dutch Golden Age - p. 41

3. McLellan J. Visual Dangers and Delights: Nude Photography in East Germany - p. 143


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