Ãîñóäàðñòâåííàÿ Ïóáëè÷íàÿ Èñòîðè÷åñêàÿ Áèáëèîòåêà Ðîññèè


Foreign affairs (ñîäåðæàíèå)

Vol. 84 N 5  2005

1. Yankelovich D. Poll positions: What Americans really think about U.S. foreign policy - P.2-17

2. Bijian Z. China's "Peacefull Rise" to Great-Power status - P.18-24

3. Zweig D. and Jianhai Bi. China's hunt for energy P.25-38

4. Wang Isi. China's search for stability with America P.39-48

5. Gause III F.G. Can democracy stop terrorism? - P.62-70

6. Bueno de Mesquita B. and Downs G.W. Development and democracy - P.77-86

7. Krepinevich A.F., Jr. How to win in Iraq - P.87-104

8. Walt St.M. Taming American power - P.105-120


Vol. 84 N 6  2005

1. Cukier K. N. Who will control the Internet? - P. 7-13

2. Kupchan Ch. A. Independence for Kososvo - P. 14-21

3. Cohen-Tanugi L. The end of Europe? - P.55-67

4. Cooley A. Base politics - P.79-92 - ( ÑØÀ)

5. Fessenden H. The limits of Intelligence reform - P.106-120 (ÑØÀ)


Vol. 85 N 1  2006

1. Hakim P. Is Washington losing Latin America? - P.39-53

2. Krauze E. Furthering democracy in Mexico - P.54-65


Vol. 85 N 2  2006

1. Lieber K.A. and Press D.G. The rise of U.S. nuclear primacy - P.42-54

2. Carothers Th. The backlash against democracy promotion - P.55-68


Vol.85 N 3  2006

1. Castaneda J.G. Latin America's left turn - P.28-44

2. Shifter M. In search of Hugo Chavez - P.45-60


Vol. 86 N 1  2007

1. Kuan Yew L. The United States, Iraq, and the terror - P.2-8

2. E.Sweig J. Fidel's final victory - P.39-57

3. Abdelal R., Segal A. Has globalization passed its peak? - P.103-115

4. R.Neumann P. Negotiating with terrorists - P.128-140 


Vol. 86 N 2  2007

1. R. Brody W. College goes global - P.122-134

2. Feldstein M. The underfunded Pentagon - P.134-142


Vol. 86 N 4  2007

1. Obama B. Renewing American leadership - P.2-17

2. Romney M. Rising to a new generation of global challenges - P. 17-34

3. F. Scheve K., J. Slaughter M. A new deal for globalization - P.34-49

4. Gat A. The return of authoritarian great powers - P.59-71

5. A. Kupchan Ch., L. Trubowitz P. Grand strategy for a divided America - P.71-85


Vol. 87 N 2 2008

1. Muller J. Z. Us and them. The enduring power of ethnic nationalism - P.18-28

2. Diamond L. The democratic rollback. The resurgence of the predatory state - P.36-48

3. Rodriguez F. An empty revolution. The unfulfilled promises of Hugo Chavez - P.49-62

4. Kuttner R. The Copenhagen cjnsensus. Reading Adam Smith Denmark - P.78-94

5. Farr Th. F. Diplomacy in an age of faith. Religious freedom and national security - P.110-118

6. Sutherland P. D. Transforming nations. How the WTO boosts economies and opens societies - P.125-136


Vol. 87 N 3 2008

1. Zakaria F. The future of American power. How America Can Survive the Rise of the Rest - P.18-43

2. Haass R. The age of non-polarity. What will follow U.S. Dominance - P.44-56


Vol. 87 N 5 2008

1. Holbrooke R. The next President - P.2

2. Kagan R. The September 12 paradigm . - P.25

3. Guterres A. Millions uprooted . - P.90

4. Castaneda J. G. Morning in Latin America - P.126

5. Moisi D. The land of hope again - P.140


Vol. 87 N 6 2008

1. Collier P. The Politics of Hunger - P.67-79

2. Daalder I. and Lodal J. The Logic of Zero - P.80-95

3. Kupchan C. A. Minor League,Major Problems - P.96-109

4. De Onis J. Brazil's Big Moment - P.110-122

5. Atwood J.B., McPherson M.P. and Natsios A. Arrested Development - P.123-132

6. Levinson M. Freight Pain - P.133-140

7. Grant J. After the Crash - P.141-146


Vol. 88 N 1 2008 

1. Altman C. The Great crash, 2008. A Geopolitical Setbeck for the West. - P. 2

2. Mattoo A. and Subramanian A. From Doha to the Next Bretton Woods. A New Multilateral Trade Agenda.-  P.15

3. Gates R.M. A Balanced Strategy. Reprogramming the Pentagon for a New Age. - P. 28

4. Haass R.N. and Indyk M. Beyond Iraq. A New U.S. Strategy for the Middle East. - P. 41

5. Mead W.R. Change They Can Believe In. To Make Israel Safe, Give Palestinians Their Due. - P.59

6. Deudney D. and Ikenberry J. The Myth of the Autocratic Revival. Why Liberal Democracy Will Prevail.- P. 77

7. Slaugbter A.-M. America`s Edge. Power in the Networked Century. - P. 94

8. Daalder I.H. and Destler I.M. In the Shadow of the Oval Office. The Next National Security Adviser. - P.114

9. Chertoff M. The Responsibility to Contain. Protecting Sovereignty Under International Law. - P. 130

10. Holmes J.A. Where Are the Civilians? How to Rebuild the U.S. Foreign Service. - P. 148


Vol. 88 N 2 2009 

1. Inglehart R. and Welzer C. How Development Leads to Democracy. What We Know About Modernization - P.33

2. Broocs S.C. and Wohlforth W.C. Reshaping the World Order. How Washington Should Reform International Institutions - P.49 

3. Victor D.G., Morgan M.G., Apt J., Steinbruner J., and Ricke. The Geo-engineering Option. A Last Resort Against Global Warming? - P.64 

4. Stelzenmuller C. Germany`s Russia Question. A New Ostpolitik for Europe - P.89 

5. Loeffler R.L. Bank Shots. How the Financial System Can Isolate Rogues - P.101


Vol. 88 N 3 2009 

1. Krepon M. The Mushroom Cloud That Wasn't . Why Inflating Threats Won`t Reduce Them - P.2 

2. Bremmer I. State Capitalism Comes of Age. The End of the Free Market? - P.40

3. Gelb L.H. Necessity, Choice, and Common Sense. A Policy for a Bewildering World - P.56

4. Newhouse J. Diplomacy, Inc. The Influence of Lobbies on U.S. Foreign Policy - P.73

5. Bertini C. and Glickman D. Farm Futures. Bringing Agriculture Back to U.S. Foreign Policy - P.93


Vol. 88 N 4 2009 

1. Altman R.C. Clobalization in Retreat. Further Geopolitical Consequences of the Financial Crisis - P.2

2. Frepinevich A.F., Jr. The Pentagon`s Wasting Assets. The Eroding Foundations of American Power - P.18

3. Christia F. and Semple M. Flipping the Taliban. How to Win in Afghanistan? - P.34

4. O`Neil S. The Real War in Mexico. How Democracy Can Defeat the Drug Cartels - P.63

5. Legvold R. The Russia File. How to Move Toward a Strategic Partnership - P.78


Vol. 88 N 5 2009 

1. Brzezinski Z. An Agenda for NATO. Toward a Global Security Web - P.2

2. Joffe J. The Default Power. The False Prophecy of America`s Decline - P.21

3. McMahon P.C. and Western J. The Death of Dayton. How to Stop Bosnia From Falling Apart - P.69

4. Malhotra D. Without Conditions. The Case for Negotiating With the Enemy - P.84

Vol. 88 N 6

1. Bergsten C. F. The dollar and the deficits: How Washington can prevent the next crisis. - P. 20-38.

2. Trenin D. Russia reborn: Reimagining Moscow's foreign policy. -  P. 64-78.


Vol. 89 N 1

  1. Runge C. F. and Runge C. P. Against the Grain: How to Tap Consumers for Development.- P. 8

  2. Brzezinski Z. From Hope to Audacity: Appraising Obama’s Foreign Policy. - P. 16

  3. Goldstone J. A. The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World. - P. 31

  4. Gilley B. Not So Dire Straits: How the Finlandization of Taiwan Benefits U.S. Security. - P. 44

  5. Yueh David G. Victor and Linda The New Energy Order: Managing Insecurities in the Twenty- first Century.-P.61

  6. Allison Graham.  Disorder Nuclear: Surveying Atomic Threats. - P. 74

  7. Charles D. Ferguson. The Long Road to Zero: Overcoming the Obstacles to a Nuclear- Free World. - P.86

  8. Stern J. Stern Mind Over Martyr: How to Deradicalize Islamist Extremists.- P.95

  9. Sofaer A. D.  The Best Defense?: Preventive Force and International Security. - P.109


Vol. 89 N 2

Sheri Berman From the Sun King to Karzai: Lessons for State Building in Afghanistan. - p. 10-17
Kenneth Roth Empty Promises? Obama's Hesitant Embrace of Human Rights. - p. 18-32

Niall Ferguson Complexity and Collapse: Empires on the Edge of Chaos. - p. 33-49
Ray Takeyh, James M. Lindsay After Iran Gets the Bomb: Containment and Its Complications. - p. 63-75
Evan A. Feigenbaum India's Rise, America's Interest: The Fate of the U.S.-Indian Partnership. - p. 76-91
George R. Packard The United States-Japan Security Treaty at 50 Still a Grand Bargain? - p. 92-103
Stuart E. Eizenstat, Anthony Luzzatto Gardner New Treaty, New Influence? Europe's Chance to Punch Its Weight. - p. 104-119
Charles A. Kupchan Enemies Into Friends: How the United States Can Court Its Adversaries. - p. 120-135

Vol. 89 N 3
1. Robert M. Gates Helping Others Defend Themselves: The Future of U.S. Security Assistance. - p. 2-6

2. William Drozdiak The Brussels Wall: Tearing Down the EU-NATO Barrier. - p. 7-12

3. Isobel Coleman The Global Glass Ceiling: Why Empowering Women Is Good for Business. - p. 13-21

4. Gary Haugen and Victor Boutros And Justice for All: Enforcing Human Rights for the World's Poor. - p. 51-62
5. Marc Levinson Faulty Basel: Why More Diplomacy Won't Keep the Financial System Safe. - p. 76-88

6. Carl J. Schramm Expeditionary Economics: Spurring Growth After Conflicts and Disasters. - p. 89-99
7. Charles A. Kupchan NATO's Final Frontier: Why Russia Should Join the Atlantic Alliance. - p. 100-113

Vol. 89 N 4

1. Garrett, Laurie  Castro Care In Crisis: Will Lifting The Embargo On Cuba Make Things Worse? - p. 61-13
2. Lowenthal, Abraham F.  Obama and the Americas: Promise, Disappointment, Opportunity. - p.110-124 

3. Mead, Walter Russell Honolulu, Harvard, and Hyde Park: The making of Barack Obama. - p. 148-152 

4.  Maier, Charles S. Empire Without End:Imperial achievements and ideology. - p.153-159 

Vol. 89 N 5

1. Matthew Moten Out of Order: Strengthening the Political-Military Relationship. - p.  2-8
2. Blair Bruce, Esin Victo , McKinzie Matthew, Yarynich Valery, and Zolotarev, Pavel Smaller and Safer: A New Plan for Nuclear Postures. - p.  9-17

3. Malley, Robert  and Harling, Peter Beyond Moderates and Militants: How Obama Can Chart a New Course in the Middle East. - p. 18-29 

4. Lynn, William J. III Defending a New Domain: The Pentagon's Cyberstrategy. - p. 97-108 

5. Castañeda, Jorge G. Not Ready for Prime Time: Why Including Emerging Powers at the Helm Would Hurt Global Governance. - p. 109-123 

Vol. 89 N 6

1. Nye, Joseph S. Jr. The Future of American Power:  Dominance and Decline in Perspective. - p. 2-12 

2. Clinton, Hillary Rodham Leading Through Civilian Power: Redefining American Diplomacy and Development . - p.  13-24
3. Altman, Roger C. and Haass, Richard N. American Profligacy and American Power: The Consequences of Fiscal Irresponsibility. - p.  25-34
4. Gelb, Leslie H. GDP Now Matters More Than Force: GDP Now Matters More Than Force. - p. 35-43 

5. Patrick, Stewart Irresponsible Stakeholders?  The Difficulty of Integrating Rising Powers. - p.  44-53
6. Eberstadt, Nicholas The Demographic Future: What Population Growth - and Decline - Means for the Global Economy. - p. 54-64
7. Duncan, Arne Back to School: Enhancing U.S. Education and Competitiveness. - p.  65-74
8. Schmidt, Eric and Cohen, Jared The Digital Disruption: Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power. - p.  75-85
9. Bremmer, Ian Democracy in Cyberspace: What Information Technology Can and Cannot Do. - p.  86-92
10. Thomas, Scott M. A Globalized God: Religion's Growing Influence in International Politics. - p.  93-101
11. Michael Levi, Elizabeth C. Economy, Shannon O'Neil, and Adam Segal Globalizing the Energy Revolution: How to Really Win the Clean-Energy Race. - p.  111-122
12. Crawford, Michael and Miscik, Jami The Rise of the Mezzanine Rulers: The New Frontier for International Law. - p.  123-132
13. Pfaff, William Manufacturing Insecurity: How Militarism Endangers America. - p.  133-141
14. Sweig, Julia E. A New Global Player: Brazil's Far-Flung Agenda. - p. 173-185 

Vol. 90 N 1 2011

1. Deutch, John The Good News About Gas: The natural gas revolution and it's consequences. - p. 82-93.

2. Chivers C. J.  Small Arms, Big Problems: The Fallout of the Global Gun Trade. - p. 110-121.

3. By Andrei Shleifer and Daniel Treisman Why Moscow Says No: A Question of Russian Interests, Not Psychology. - p. 122-138.

4. Gordon Adams and Matthew Leatherman A Leaner and Meaner Defense: How to Cut the Pentagon's Budget While Improving Its Performance. - p. 139-153.

Vol. 90 N 2 2011
1. Bremmer, Ian and Roubini, Nouriel A G-Zero World: The New Economic Club Will Produce Conflict, Not Cooperation . - p.  2-7.
2. Jacoby, Tamar Germany's Immigration Dilemma: How Can Germany Attract the Workers It Needs? - p.  8-14.
3. Mead Walter Russell The Tea Party and American Foreign Policy: What Populism Means for Globalism. - p. 28-44.
4. Birdsall, Nancy and Fukuyama, Francis The Post-Washington Consensus: Development After the Crisis. - p.  45-53.
5. Ahamed, Liaquat  Currency Wars, Then and Now: How Policymakers Can Avoid the Perils of the 1930s. - p. 92-103.
6. Rajan, Raghuram G. Currencies Aren't the Problem: Fix Domestic Policy, Not Exchange Rates. - p.  104-116.
7. Farrall, Leah How al Qaeda Works: What the Organization's Subsidiaries Say About Its Strength. - p. 128-139.

Vol. 90 N 3 2011

1. Ikenberry, G. John The future if the liberal world order: Internationalism after America. - p. 56-68.

2. Crandall, Russell The Post-American Hemisphere: Power and politics in an autonomous Latin America. - p. 83-95.

3. Farrel, Henry and Quiggin, John How to save the Euro - and the EU: Reading Keyens and Brussels. - p. 96-103.

4. Flynn, Stephen Recalibrating homeland society: Mobilizing American society to prepare for disaster. - p. 130-140.

Vol. 90 N 4 2011

1. Anders Fogh Rasmussen NATO After Libya: The Atlantic Alliance in Austere Times . - p.  2-6
2.  Steven Rattner The Secrets of Germany's Success: What Europe's Manufacturing Powerhouse Can Teach America . - p.  7-11
3.  Michael Spence Globalization and Unemployment: The Downside of Integrating Markets . - p. 28-41
4.  Daniel W. Drezner Does Obama Have a Grand Strategy? Why We Need Doctrines in Uncertain Times . - p.57-68 

Vol. 90 N 5 2011

1. Rory miller Europe's Palestine Problem: Making Sure the EU Matters to Middle East Peace . - p. 8-12 

2. Melvyn P. Leffler September 11 in Retrospect: George W. Bush’s Grand Strategy, Reconsidered . - p.  33-44
3.  Mark Kleiman Surgical Strikes in the Drug Wars: Smarter Policies for Both Sides of the Border . - p.  89-101
4.  Khaled Elgindy Palestine Goes to the UN: Understanding the New Statehood Strategy . - p. 102-113 

Vol. 90 N 6 2011

1.  George Packer  The Broken Contract: Inequality and American Decline . - p.  20-31
2. By Joseph M. Parent and Paul K. MacDonald The Wisdom of Retrenchment: America Must Cut Back to Move Forward . - p. 32-47

3.  Hugo Dixon Can Europe’s Divided House Stand? Separating Fiscal and Monetary Union. - p. 74-82


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