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Latin American politics and society (ñîäåðæàíèå )

   Vol. 47, N 3. 2005

1. Friedman E.J. The reality of virtual reality: The Internet and gender equality advocacy in Latin America - P.1-34

2. Blofield M.H., Haas L. Defining a democracy: reforming the laws on women's rights in Chile, 1990-2002 - P.35-68

3. Barr R.R. Bolivia: another uncompleted revolution - P.69-90

4. Canache D., Allison M.E. Perceptions of political corruption in Latin American democraties - P.91-112

5. Richani N. Multinational corporations, rentier capitalism, and the war system in Colombia - P.113-144

6. Stoll D. Tge Nicaragua contras: were they Indios? - P.145-157


Vol. 47 N 4

1. Phillips N. U.S. power and the politics of economic governance in the Americas - P.1-26

2. Armony A.C. and Armony V. Indictments, myths, and citizen mobilization in Argentina: A discourse analysis - P.27-54

3. Bonner M.D. Defining rights in democratization:  The Argentine government and human rights organizations, 1983-2003 - P.55-76

4. Staats J.L.,Bowler S., and Hiskey J.T. Measuring judical performance in Latin America - P. 77-106

5. Mace G. and Loiseau H. Cooperative hegemony and summitry in the Americas - P.107-134

6. Wise C. and Pastor M.,Jr. The lost Sexenio: Vicente Fox and the new politics of economic reform in Mexico - P.135-160

Critical debates

7. Madrid R.L. Indigenous parties and democracy in Latin America - P.161-179


Vol.48 N 1  2006

1. Eaton K. Decentralization's nondemocratic roots: military reforms of subnational governments in Latin America - P.1-26

2. Arce M. The societal consequences of market reform in Peru - P.27-54

3. Davis D.E. Undermining the rule of law: democratization and the dark side of police reform in Mexico - P.55-86

4. Staab S. and Maher K.H. The dual discourse about Peruvian domestic workers in Santiago de Chile: class, race, and a nationalist project - P.87-116

5. Rousseau St. Women's citizenship and neopopulism: Peru under the Fujimori regime - P.117-142

6. Parish R.R.,Jr. Democrats, dictators, and cooperation: the transformation of Argentine-Chilean relations - P.143-174

Critical debates

7. Ellner S. Globalization, macroeconomic policies, and Latin American democracy - P.175-187


Vol.48 N 2  2006

1. Samuels D. Sources of mass partisanship in Brazil - P.1-29

2. McClintock C., H. Lebovic J. Correlates of levels of democracy in Latin America during the 1990s - P.29-61

3. Ondetti G. Repression, opportunity, and protest: explaining the takeoff of Brazil's landless movement - P.61-95

4. Peceny M., Durnan M. The FARC's best friend: U.S. antidrug policies and the deepening of Colombia's Civil War in the 1990s - P.95-117

5. A. Booth J., Bayer Richard P. Revolution's legacy: residual effects on Nicaraguan participation and attitudes in comparative context - P.117-141

6. E. Anderson L. The authoritarian executive? Horizontal and vertical accountability in Nicaragua's new democracy - P.141-171

7. Sanchez-Ancochea D. Trade liberalization and economic integration in the Americas: causes and consequences - P.171-181


Vol.48 N 3  2006

1. C. Beer C. Judicial performance and the rule of law in the Mexican states - P.33-63

2. L. Negretto G. Minority presidents and democratic performance in Latin America - P.63-93

3. S. Levitt B. A desultory defense of democracy: OAS Resolution 1080 and the Inter-American Democratic Charter - P.93-125

4. S. Holmes J., Gutierrez de Pineres S. A., and M. Curtin K. Drugs, violence, and development in Colombia: A department-level analysis - P.157-185


Vol.48 N 4  2006

1. P. Spanakos A., R. Renno L. Elections and economic turbulence in Brazil: candidates, voters, and investors - P.1-27

2. Dammert L., T. Malone M. F. Does it take a village? Policing strategies and fear of crime in Latin America - P.27-53

3. Htun M., J. Power T. Gender, parties, and support for equal rights in the Brazilian Congress - P.83-105

4. Kubal M.R. Contradictions and constraints in Chile's health care and education decentralization - P.105-137

5. E.Alison M. The transition from armed opposition to electoral opposition in Central America - P.137-163

Critical debates

7. Desposato S. Latin American legislative politics - P.163-179


Vol.49 N 1  2007

1. Hunter W., J. Power T. Rewarding Lula: executive power, social policy, and the Brazilian elections of 2006 - P.1-31

2. Rios-Figueroa J. Fragmentation of power and the emergence of an effective judiciary in Mexico, 1994-2002 - P.31-59

3. M. Taylor M., C. Buranelli V. Ending up in pizza: accountability as a problem of institutional arrangement in Brazil - P.59-89

4. Puntigliano A.R. Global shift: the U.N. system and the new regionalism in Latin America - P.89-113

5. Mera L.G. Macroeconomic concerns and intrastate bargains: explaining illiberal policies in the Brazilian automobile sector - P.113-141

6. E. Ahnen R. The politics of police violence in democratic Brazil - P.141-165


Vol.49 N 2  2007

1. Arceneaux C., Pion-Berlin D. Issues, threats, and institutions: explaning OAS responses to democratic dilemmas in Latin America - P.1-33

2. A.Dietz H., J.Myers D. From thaw to deluge: party system collapse in Venezuela and Peru - P.59-87

3. A.Holzner C. The poverty of democracy: neoliberal reforms and political participation of the poor in Mexico - P.87-123

4. L. Davis Ch., A.Bartilow H. Cognitive images and support for international economic agreements with the United States among Mexican citizens - P.123-149


Vol.49 N 3  2007

1. Zamosc L. The Indian Movement and Political Democracy in Ecuador - S. 1-34

2. Blue S. The Europian of Racial Equality in the Context of Cuba's Dual Economy - S. 35-68

3 Baldez L. Primaries vs. Quotas: Gender and Candidate Nominations in Mexico, 2003 - S. 69-96

4. Fernandes S. Barrio Women and Popular Politics in Chavez's Venezuela - S. 97-128

5.Sutton B. Ponel el Cuerpo: Women's Embodiment and Political Resistance in Argentina - S. 129-162

6.Heiss C., Navia P. You Win Some, You Lose some: Constitutional Reforms in Chile's Transitions to Democracy - S. 163-190

7. Webber J.R. Indigenous Struggle in Latin America: The Perilous Invisibility of Capital and Class - S. 191-206


Vol.49 ¹4 2007

1. Luna J.P. Frente Ampilo and the Crafting of a Social Democratic Alternative in Uruguay - P.1

2. Brooks S.M. Globalization and Pension Reform in Latin America - P.31

3. Penford-Becerra M.M. Clientelism and Social Funds: Evidence from Chavez s - P.63

4. Spalding R.J. Civil Society Engagement in Trade Negotiations: CAFTA Opposition Movements in EL Salvador - P.85

5. Melo M.A. Institutional Weakness and the Puzzle of Argentina s Low Taxation - P.115

6. Brautigam D.A. and Segarra M. Difficult Partherships: The World Bank, States, and NGOs - P.149


Vol.50 ¹ 1 2008

1. Sirrink K. From Pariah State to Global Protagonist: Argentina and the Struggle for International Human Rights - P.1

2. Smith P.H. and Ziegler M.R. Liberal and Illiberal Democracy in Latin America - P.31

3. Buchanan P.G. Preauthoritarian Institutions and Postauthoritarian Outcomes: Labor Politics in CHile and Uruguay - P.59

4. Zuquete J.P. The Missionary Politics of Hugo Chavez - P.91

5. Sanchez O. Guatemala's Party Universe: A Case Study in Underinstitutionalization - P.123


Vol.50 N 2 2008

1. Hochstetler K. and Friedman E.J. Can Civil Society Origanizations Solve the Crisis of Partisan Representation in Latin America? - P.1

2. Anner M. Meeting the Challenges of Industrial Restructuring: Labor Reform and Enforcement in Latin America - P.33

3. Franzoni J.M. Welfare Regimes in Latin America: Capturing Constellations of Markets, Families, and Policies - P.67

4. Ferraro A. Friends in High places: Congressional Influence on the Bureaucracy in Chile - P.101


Critical Debatcs

Mitchell C. Advancing the Study of Decentralization and Federalism in Latin America - P.161


Vol.50 N 3 2008

1.Corrales J. Latin America's Neocaudillismo: Ex-Prezidents and Newcomers running for President... and Winning - P.1

2. Arce M. THe Repoliticization of Collective Action After neoliberalism in Peru - P.37

3. Gray V.J. The New Research on Civil Wars: Does It Help US Understand the Colombian Conflict? - P.63

4. Sands J.C. Education Funding in a Recentralizing Democracy: A Cautionary Tale of Four Brazilian Cities - P.93

Critical Debatcs

Centeno M.A. Latin American Independenc and the Double Dilemma - P.147


Vol.50 N 4 2008

1. Leiva F.I. Toward a Critique of Latin American Neostructuralism - P.1

2. Siavelis M. and Morgenster S. Candidate Recruiment and Selection in Latin America: A Framework for Analysis - P.27

3. Breuer A. Policymaking by Referendum in Presidential Systems: Evidence from the Bolivian and Colombian Cases - P.59

4. Fulmer A.M., Godoy A.S. and Neff P. Indigenous Rights, Resistance, and the Law: Lessons from a Guatemalan Mine - P.91 

5. Hilgers T. Causes and Consequences of Political Clientelism: Mexico`s PRD in Comparative Perspektive - P.123

6. Puntigliano A.R. Suspicious Minds: Recent Books on U.S. - Latin American Relations - P.155


Vol.51 N 1 2009

1. Cheibub J.A., Figueiredo A., and Limongi F. Political Parties and Governors as Determinants of Legislative Behavior in Brazil`s Chamber of Deputies, 1988-2006 - P.1

2. Motta S.C. Old Tools and New Movements in Latin America: Political Science as Gatekeeper or Intellectual Illuminator? - P.31

3. Auiles W. Despite Insurgency: Reducing Military Prerogatives in Colombia and Peru - P.57

4. Dosh P. Tactical Innovation, Democratic Governance, and Mixed Motives: Popular Movement Resilience in Peru and Ecuador - P.87

5. Eckstein S. The Personal Is Political: The Cuban Ethnic Electoral Policy Cycle - P.119

6. Romo H. Immigrants, Guest Workers, and Policy Issues: Perspectives on Mexican Transnationalism - P.149


Vol.52 N 2 2009

1. Bulow M. Networks of Trade Protest in the Americas: Toward a New Labor Internationalism? - P.1

2. Hunter W. and Sugiyama N.B. Democracy and Social Policy in Brazil: Advancing Basic Needs, Preserving Privileged Interests. - P.29

3. Klesner J.L. Who Participates? Determinants of Political Action in Mexico. - 59

4. Schrank A. Professionalization and Probity in a Patrimonial State: Labor Inspectors in the Dominican Republic. - 91

5. Bartilow H.A. and Eom K. Free Traders and Drug Smugglers: The Effects of Trade Openness on States` Ability to Combat Drug Trafficking. - P.117

6. Cohon A.J. Tailoring Reform: Policymaking and Policy Implementation in Latin America. - P.147


Vol. 51 N 3 2009

1. Auyero J., Lapegna P., Poma F. P. Patronage Politics and Contentious Collective Action: A Recursive Relationship. p 1-31.

2. Wills-Otero L. Electoral Systems in Latin America: Explaining the Adoption of Proportional Representation Systems During the Twentieth Century. p. 33-58.

3. Ruibal A. M. Self-Restraint in Search of Legitimacy: The Reform of the Argentine Supreme Court. p 59-86.

4. Machado A. Minimum Winning Electoral Coalitions Under Presidentialism: Reality or Fiction? The Case of Brazil. p 87-110

5. Mitchell G. Campaign Strategies of Afro-Brazilian Politicians: A Preliminary Analysis. p 111-142

6. Holzner C. A. Authoritarian Legacies and Democratic Consolidation in Mexico. p 143-159


Vol. 51 N 4 2009

1.  Haarstad H.,  AnderssonV. Backlash Reconsidered: Neoliberalism and Popular Mobilization in Bolivia. p. 1

2.  Faguet J.- P. Governance from Below in Bolivia: A Theory of Local Government with Two Empirical Tests. p 29

3. Bailey S. R.  Public Opinion on Nonwhite Underrepresentation and Racial Identity Politics in Brazil. p. 69

4. Cámara Fuertes L. R. The Value Priorities of the Political Elites: A Test of the Postmaterialist Thesis in the Puerto Rican Legislature. p. 101.

5. Orcés D. M.  Democratic Values and Public Opinion Toward Immigrants: The Case of Ecuador. p. 131.

6. French J. D. Lula, the "New Unionism," and the PT: How Factory Workers Came to Change the World, or At Least Brazil p. 157

Vol. 52 N 1 2010

1. Egan, Patrick J. W. Hard Bargains: The Impact of Multinational Corporations on Economic Reform in Latin America (p 1-32)
2. Emerson, R. Guy Radical Neglect? The "War on Terror" and Latin America (p 33-62)
3. Vidal, D. Xavier Medina / Ugues, Antonio  Jr. / Bowler, Shaun / Hiskey, Jonathan Partisan Attachment and Democracy in Mexico: Some Cautionary Observations (p 63-87)
4. Andrews, Abigail  Constructing Mutuality: The Zapatistas' Transformation of Transnational Activist Power Dynamics (p 89-120)
5. Barndt, William T. Executive Assaults and the Social Foundations of Democracy in Ecuador (p 121-154)

6. Chávez, Rebecca Bill The Quest for Justice in Latin America (p 155-163)

Vol. 52 N 2 2010

1. Córdova, Abby  and A. Seligson, Mitchell  Economic Shocks and Democratic Vulnerabilities in Latin America and the Caribbean. - p 1–35
2. Fairfield, Tasha Business Power and Tax Reform: Taxing Income and Profits in Chile and Argentina. - p 37–71
3. Palacios-Valladares  IndiraPalacios-Valladares  From Militancy to Clientelism: Labor Union Strategies and Membership Trajectories in Contemporary Chile. - p 73–102
4. Azpuru Dinorah  The Salience of Ideology: Fifteen Years of Presidential Elections in El Salvador. - p 103–138
5. Burdick, John  Religion and Society in Contemporary Latin America. - p 167–176

Vol. 52 N 3 2010

1. Susan Franceschet Explaining Domestic Violence Policy Outcomes in Chile and Argentina. - p.1-29.

2. Kirk A. Hawkins Who Mobilizes? Participatory Democracy in Chávez's Bolivarian Revolution. - p. 31-66.

3. Henry J. Frundt Sustaining Labor-Environmental Coalitions: Banana Allies in Costa Rica. - p. 99-129.

4. Daniel H. Levine Reflections on the Mutual Impact of Violence and Religious Change in Latin America. - p. 131-150.

5. Patricia M. Rodriguez Transnational Activism at a Crossroads: Pushing the Envelope from Below, from Within, and from Abroad. - p. 151-160.

Vol. 52 N 4 2010
1. Johnson, Gregg B. and Ryu, Sooh-Rhee Repudiating or Rewarding Neoliberalism? How Broken Campaign Promises Condition Economic Voting in Latin America. - p. 1–24.
2.  Bruhn, Kathleen Too Much Democracy? Primaries and Candidate Success in the 2006 Mexican National Elections. - p. 25–52.
3. Lehoucq, Fabrice Political Competition, Constitutional Arrangements, and the Quality of Public Policies in Costa Rica. - p. 53–77.
4. Martí i Puig, Salvador The Adaptation of the FSLN: Daniel Ortega's Leadership and Democracy in Nicaragua. - p. 79–106.
5. Kowalchuk, Lisa Multisectoral Movement Alliances and Media Access: Salvadoran Newspaper Coverage of the Health Care Struggle. - p. 107–135.
6. Margheritis, Ana Interamerican Relations in the Early Twenty-first Century. - p. 137–146.

Vol. 53 N 1 2011

1. Morgan, Jana; Hartlyn, Jonathan  and Espinal, Rosario Dominican Party System Continuity amid Regional Transformations: Economic Policy, Clientelism, and Migration Flows. - p. 1–32.
2. Ruhl, J. Mark Political Corruption in Central America: Assessment and Explanation. - p. 33–58.
3. Pereira, Carlos; Singh, Shane P. and Mueller, Bernardo Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Policy Stability in Latin America. - p. 59–89.
4. Montambeault, Françoise Overcoming Clientelism Through Local Participatory Institutions in Mexico: What Type of Participation? - p. 91–124.
5. Vigevani, Tullo and Ramanzini, Haroldo Júnior The Impact of Domestic Politics and International Changes on the Brazilian Perception of Regional Integration. - p. 125–155.
6. Butler, Matthew E. S. Railroads, Commodities, and Informal Empire in Latin American History. - p. 157–168.

Vol. 53 N 2 2011

1. Juan Pablo Luna and David Altman Uprooted but Stable: Chilean Parties and the Concept of Party System Institutionalization (pages 1–28)
2. Kimberly A. Nolan García Transnational Advocates and Labor Rights Enforcement in the North American Free Trade Agreement (pages 29–60)
3. Jonathan T. Hiskey and Gary L. Goodman The Participation Paradox of Indigenous Autonomy in Mexico (pages 61–86)
4. Andrés Mejía Acosta and John Polga-Hecimovich Coalition Erosion and Presidential Instability in Ecuador (pages 87–111)
5. Graciela Monteagudo Neoliberalism, Democracy, and Contemporary Social Movements in Latin America (pages 151–160)

Vol. 53 N 3 2011

1. Andrés Malamud A Leader Without Followers? The Growing Divergence Between the Regional and Global Performance of Brazilian Foreign Policy. - p. 1–24.
2. Kristina Mani Military Entrepreneurs: Patterns in Latin America. - p. 25–55.
3. Eduardo Alemán, Aldo F. Ponce and Iñaki Sagarzazu Legislative Parties in Volatile, Nonprogrammatic Party Systems: The Peruvian Case in Comparative Perspective. - p. 57–81.
4. Deborah L. Norden The Policies and Politics of Control: Countering Argentina's Uniformed and Unemployed Protesters. - p. 83–114.
5. Stephen Weymouth and Richard Feinberg National Competitiveness in Comparative Perspective: Evidence from Latin America. - p. 141–159.


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