Государственная Публичная Историческая Библиотека России


Speculum (содержание)

Vol. 80 N3  2005

1. Biggs Fr.M. The politics of succession in Beowulf and Anglo-Sacson England - P.709-741

2. Zuccato M. Gerbert of Aurillac and a tenth-century Jewish channel for the transmission of arabia science to the West P.742-763

3. Parsons Lillich M. King Solomon in Bed, Archbishop Hincmar, the Ordo of 1250, and the stained-glass program of the nave of Reims cathedral - P.764-801

4. Webb H. Catherine of Siena's heart  - P.802-817


Vol. 80 N4  2005

1. Hanavalt B.A. Reading the Lives of the Illiterate: London's Poor - P.1067-1086

2. Meywaert P. The Date of Bede's In Ezram and His Image of Ezra in the Codex Amiatinus - P.1087-1133

3. Martin Th. The Art of Reigning Queen as Dynastic Propaganda in Twelfth-Century Spain - P.1134-1171

4. Lipton S. " The Sweet Lean of His Head": Writing about Looking at the Crucifix in the High Midle Ages - P.1172-1209

5. Freedman P. Spices and Late-Medieval European Ideas of Scarcity and Value - P.1209-1227


Vol. 81 N1  2006

1. Bolgia C. The mosaics of Gregiry IV at S.Marco, Rome: Papal response to Venice, Byzantium - P.1-34

2. Guest G.B. The prodigal's journey: Ideologies of self and city in the Gothic cfthedral - P.35-75

3. Mooney L.R. Caucher's scribe - P.97-138


Vol. 81 N2  2006

1. Lozovski N. Roman geography and ethnography in the Carolingian empire - P.325-364

2. Burns E.J. Saracen silk and the Virgin's Chemise : Cultural crossings in cloth - P.365-397

3. Nirenberg D. Figures of thought and figures of flesh: "Jews" and "Judaism" in Late-Medieval Spanish poetry and politics - P.398-426

4. Stuhmiller J. Iudicium Dei, iudicium fortunae: Trial by combat in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - P.427-462


Vol. 81 N 3  2006

1. Curta F. Merovingian and Carolingan gift giving - P.671-700

2. Fulton R. Praying with anselm at admont: A meditation on practice - P.700-734

3. Nisse R. "Your name will no longer be aseneth": Apocrypha, anti-martyrdom, and Jewish convercion in Thirteenth-Century England - P.734-754


Vol. 81 N 4  2006

1. Carruthers M. Sweetness - P.999-1014

2. C. Eichhorn-Mulligan A. The anatomy of power and the miracle of kingship: the female body of sovereignty in a Medieval - P.1014-1055

3. C. Miller M. Why the Bishop of Florence had to get maried - P.1055-1092

4. Schabel Ch. Philosophy and theology across cultures: Gersonides and Auriol on divine foreknowledge - P.1092-1118

5. Weiss J. What every Noblewoman needs to know: cultural literacy in Late-Medieval Spain - P.1118-1150


Vol. 82 N 1  2007

1. A. Jones Ch. Monastic identity and sodomitic danger in the Occupatio by Odo of Cluny - P.1-54

2. McKenna C. Performing penance and poetic performance in the Medieval Welsh Court - P.70-97

3. M. Hamilton M. Rereading the widow: a possible judeo-iberian model for the pseudo-ovidian De Vetula and the Libro de buen amor - P.97-120

4. Jurkowski M. Lollardy and social status in East Anglia - P.120-153


Vol. 82 N 2  2007

1. Meens R. Sanctuary, penance, and dispute settlement under Charlemagne: the conflict between Alcuin and Theodulf of Orleans over a sinful cleric. - P.277-301

2. R. Constable O. Chess and courtly culture in Medieval Castile: The Libro de ajedrez of Alfonso X, el Sabio - P.301-348

3. Haines J. The Battle of Anesin: A parody of songs in praise of War - P.348-380

4. Karnes M. Nicholas Love and medieval meditations on Christ - P.380-408 


Vol. 83 N 1 2008

1. Brevat F.B. Between Medicine, Magic, and Religion: Wonder Drugs in German Medico-Pharmaceutical Treatises of the Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries - P.1

2. Kupfer M. "... lectres ... plus vrayes": Hebrew Script and Jewish Witness in the Mandeville Manuscript of Charles V - P.58

3. Robinson C. Preaching to the Converted: Valladolid s Cristianos nuevos and the Retablo de don Sancho de Roias (1415)


Vol. 83 N 2 2008

1. Griffiths F.J. The Cross and the Cura monialium: Robert of Arbrissel, John the Evangelist, and the Pastoral Care of Women in the Age of Reform - p.303

2. Bradbury N.M. Rival Wisdom in the Latin Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf - P.331

3. Ormord W.M. The Trials of Alice Perrers - p.336


Vol. 83 N 3 2008

1. Smyth M. The Body, Death, and Resurrection: Perspectives of an Early Irish Theologian - P.531

2. Smith K.A. Saints in Shining Armor: Martial Asceticism and Masculine Models of Sanctity, ca. 1050-1250 - P.572

3. Courtenay W.J. and Shoemaker K.B. The Tears of Nicolas: Simony and Perjury by a Parisian Master of Theology in the Fourteenth Century - P.603


Vol.83 N 4 2008

1. McGinn B. Regina quondam - P.817

2. Cohen M. An Indilgence for the Visitor: The Public at the Sainte-Chapelle of Paris - P.840

3. Halevi L. Christian Impurity versus Economic Necessity: A Fifteen-Centyry Fatwa onEuropean Paper - P.917


Vol. 84 N 1 2009 

1. Bouchard C.B. Episcopal Gesta and the Creation of a Useful Past in Ninth-Century Auxerre. - P. 1

2. Wanner K.J. Off-Center: Considering Directional Valences in Norse Cosmography.

3. Kogman-Appel K. Christianity, Idolatry, and the Question of Jewish Figural Painting in the Middle Ages - P. 73


Vol. 84 N 2 2009 

1. Rabin A. Female Advocacy and Royal Protection in Tenth-Century England: The Legal Career of Queen AElfthryth. - P.261

2. Chazan R. "Let Not a Remnant or a Residue Escape": Millenarian Enthusiasm in the First Crusade - P.289

3. Brilliant V. Envisaging the Particular Judgment in Late-Medieval Italy

4. Otis-Cour L. De jure novo: Dealing with Adultery in the Fifteenth-Century Toulousain - P.347


Vol. 84 N 3 2009 

1. Abels R. What Has Weland to Do with Christ? The Franks Casket and the Acculturation of Christianity in Early Anglo-Saxon England - P.549

2. Vanderputten S. Monks, Knights, and the Enactment of Competing Social Realities in Eleventh- and Early-Twelfth- Century Flanders - P.582

3. Schiff R.P. Borderland Subversions: Anti-imperial Energies in The Awntyrs off Arthure and Golagros and Gawane - P.613

4. Bailey M.D. A Late-Medieval Crisis of Superstition?

Vol. 84 N 4 2009

1. Geary P. J. What happened to Latin? - p. 859

2. Benes C. E.  Whose SPQR? Souveregnity and semiotics in medieval Rome. - p. 874

3. McNamer S.  The original of the Meditationes vitae Chriti. - p. 905

4. Heyworth G. Ineloquent ends: Simplicitas, Proctolalia and the profane vernacular in the Miller's tale. - p 956

5. Bailey E. Raising the mind to God: The sensual journey of Giovanni Morelli (1371-1444) via devotional images. - p. 984.

vol. 85, no. 1 2010
1. Conant, Jonathan P. Europe and the African Cult of Saints, circa 350–900: An Essay in Mediterranean Communications. - p. 1-46
2. Geltner G. Brethren Behaving Badly: A Deviant Approach to Medieval Antifraternalism. - p. 47-64
3. Manion, Lee The Loss of the Holy Land and Sir Isumbras: Literary Contributions to Fourteenth-Century Crusade Discourse. - p. 65-90
4. Lerner, Robert E. “New Light on The Mirror of Simple Souls. - p. 91-116

vol. 85, no. 2 2010

1. Herrick, Samantha Kahn  Studying Apostolic Hagiography: The Case of Fronto of Périgueux, Disciple of Christ. - p 235-270

2. Evans, Sandy “To Stanch Bleeding”: Longinus in Raoul de Cambrai and the Rebel Geste. - p 271-301

3. Paddock, Mary M. Rhetorical Species: A Case Study of Poetic Manifestations of Medieval Visual Culture. - p 302-320

4. Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Renate The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims (c. 1347–1396): A Medieval Woman between Demons and Saints. - p. 321-356

Vol. 85, N 3 2010

1. Upchurch, Robert K. A Big Dog Barks: Ælfric of Eynsham's Indictment of the English Pastorate and Witan. - p. 505-533
2. Paul, Nicholas L. A Warlord's Wisdom: Literacy and Propaganda at the Time of the First Crusade. - p. 534-566
3. Leach, Elizabeth Eva  Music and Verbal Meaning: Machaut's Polytextual Songs. - p. 567-591
4. Gruenler, Curtis How to Read Like a Fool: Riddle Contests and the Banquet of Conscience in Piers Plowman. - p. 592-630 

Vol. 85, N 4 2010

1. Squatriti, Paolo The floods of 589 and climate change at the beginning of the middle ages: An Italian microhistory. - p. 799-826.

2. Hagger, Mark Secular law and custom in ducal Normandy, c. 1000-1144. - p. 827-867.

3. Morreale Laura K. French literature, Florentine politics, and vernacular historical writing. - p. 868-893.

4. Garrison, Robert Mediated Piety: Eucharistic theology and lay devotion in Robert Mannyng's Handling Synne. - p. 894-922.

Vol. 86, N 1 2011

1.  Kessler, Herbert L. Speculum. - p. 1 - 41.
2.  Wei, Ian P. From Twelfth-Century Schools to Thirteenth-Century Universities: The Disappearance of Biographical and Autobiographical Representations of Scholars. - p. 42 - 78.
3. Dunn, Caroline The Language of Ravishment in Medieval England. - p. 79 - 116.
4. Dodd, Gwilym  The Rise of English, the Decline of French: Supplications to the English Crown, c. 1420–1450. - p. 117 - 150.

Vol. 86, N 2 2011
1.  Kreiner, Jamie About the Bishop: The Episcopal Entourage and the Economy of Government in Post-Roman Gaul. - p. 321 - 360.
2.  Kelly, Thomas Forrest  Poetry for Music: The Art of the Medieval Prosula. - p. 361 - 386.
3.  Novikoff, Alex J. Anselm, Dialogue, and the Rise of Scholastic Disputation. - p. 387 - 418.
4.  Perry, Ryan “Thynk on God, as we doon, men that swynke”: The Cultural Locations of Meditations on the Supper of Our Lord and the Middle English Pseudo-Bonaventuran Tradition. - p. 419 - 454.

Vol. 86, N 3 2011

1. Alexander D. Beihammer Defection across the Border of Islam and Christianity: Apostasy and Cross-Cultural Interaction in Byzantine-Seljuk Relations. - pp 597 - 651.
2. Diana C. Silverman Marriage and Political Violence in the Chronicles of the Medieval Veneto. - pp 652 - 687.
3. Michael Vargas How a “Brood of Vipers” Survived the Black Death: Recovery and Dysfunction in the Fourteenth-Century Dominican Order. - pp 688 - 714.

Vol. 86, N 4 2011

The Byzantine Understanding of the Qur՚anic Term al-Ṣamad and the Greek Translation of the Qur՚an 

Christos Simelidis
Speculum / Volume 86 / Issue 04, pp 887 - 913

Copyright © The Medieval Academy of America 2011

Published online: 07 Октябрь 2011

DOI:10.1017/S0038713411002430 (About DOI)
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“The Trinite is our everlasting lover”: Marriage and Trinitarian Love in the Later Middle Ages

Isabel Davis
Speculum / Volume 86 / Issue 04, pp 914 - 963

Copyright © The Medieval Academy of America 2011

Published online: 07 Октябрь 2011

DOI:10.1017/S0038713411002442 (About DOI)
Buy This Article $30,00 / £20,00 / €25,00
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Mary to Veronica: John Audelay's Sequence of Salutations to God-Bearing Women

Susanna Fein
Speculum / Volume 86 / Issue 04, pp 964 - 1009

Copyright © The Medieval Academy of America 2011

Published online: 07 Октябрь 2011

DOI:10.1017/S0038713411002454 (About DOI)
Buy This Article $30,00 / £20,00 / €25,00
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The Regulation of Sexuality in the Late Middle Ages: England and France

Ruth Mazo Karras
Speculum / Volume 86 / Issue 04, pp 1010 - 1039


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